Monday, September 26, 2011

Camryn's First Photo Session

Here are a few images from Camryn's First Photo Session. 
She was just a week old. She is so precious. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Fall Family Special

Can you believe that summer is almost over? According to my calendar, 
Friday is the first day of Autumn. It is one of the most beautiful and
visually exciting environments for photographing people, 
portraying the warmth and special bond between them. 

Capture and preserve the love, affection and expressions that are uniquely your family.

Take this opportunity to capture this time in your family's history. 
Plan Now for the Holidays. Take advantage of our Two Day Sale. 
Session times are limited so call today to reserve an appointment.

Two Day Sale

Sat. - Oct. 15th
Sun. - Oct. 16th 

Family Portrait Special
at Fulton Park includes  
The Photographic Session with 
an 8x10 and 2-5x7's for $125.

Take a moment and capture a lifetime. Before time passes before your eyes 
and you wonder where those years went, call our studio today to 
schedule your appointment. Don't miss this limited opportunity. 
If you call before Saturday ,you will receive 
an additional 8x10 portrait.
 (203) 596-7226


Adriana(aka-Bella) Senior Session

Here are some images from Adriana's senior session. 
Adriana is another senior that I have been photographing 
since she was a baby. It seems like yesterday that Alyssa, Mikaela and 
Bella were born. And next year, they will all be off to college. 
I have known Adriana as Bella and that is how I started calling my 
daughter Bella also. So when the family gets together, Adriana is 
Bella #1 and my daughter is Bella #2. Enjoy!!!

Alyssa's Senior Session

Here are a few images from Alyssa's senior session. We had so much fun.
I have been photographing Alyssa since she was a baby. I cannot believe that 
she is a senior and will be going off to college next year. Enjoy!!!